A pixelated icon featuring a checklist or list on a document with a teal upward arrow coming out of the top-right corner, representing sending or export options.

Advanced Data Analysis

TAGx’s advanced data analysis uses various statistical and machine learning techniques to identify trends and predict upcoming events for faster and more precise decision-making.

Sophisticated analytics are essential for enterprises to extract maximum value from their data assets, regardless of their location or format. For example, contextual marketing engines need accurate responses. They seek insights into consumer product consumption, ad responsiveness, and optimal purchase timing and locations.

TAGx’s advanced data analysis can provide insights into these trends by combining consumption models with historical data and artificial intelligence.

A TAGx dashboard displaying pie charts with data on transactions. The charts represent various transaction methods, deposits, and withdrawals by payment service providers (PSPs), and card transactions. The color-coded categories show transaction volumes and values in USD across different methods such as card, e-currency, and person-to-person money transfers.

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